Monday, July 6, 2009

Hostels Advantages and Disadvantages

Hostels Advantages and Disadvantages over other conventional accommodations such as hotels, are important to be discussed in this blog so that readers especially those who are wanting to experience traveling as backpackers. Some major advantages of hostels include the following:

  • Hostels tend to be budget-oriented; rates are considerably lower, and many hostels have programs to share books, DVDs and other items.
  • Secondly, for those who prefer an informal environment, hostels do not usually have the same level of formality as hotels.
  • Another advantage, for those who prefer to socialize with their fellow guests, is that hostels usually have more common areas and opportunities to socialize. The dormitory aspect of hostels also increases the social factor.
However, the following may be considered disadvantages of hostels:
  • There is less privacy in a hostel than in a hotel. Sharing sleeping accommodation in a dormitory is very different from staying in a private room in a hotel and might not be comfortable for those requiring more privacy. But this is also an advantage in some ways, because it encourages more social interaction between guests.
  • Theft can be a problem, since guests may share a common living space, but this can be avoided by securing guests' belongings. Most hostels offer some sort of system for safely storing valuables, and an increasing number of hostels offer private lockers.
  • Noise can make sleeping difficult on occasions, whether from snoring, sexual activity, someone either returning late or leaving early or the close proximity of so many people. This can be solved by carrying earplugs. This particular disadvantage of hostels is somehow expected since hostels are usually dormitory type of accommodation.
Will you ever want to live in this type of accommodation the hostels offer? I recommend to those who have not tried it yet. I know you will enjoy a night stay or two in a hostel now that you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of hostels.

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